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The National Organization of Turkmenistan for Barcodes takes part in the exhibition of the country's shopping complex


The National Organization of Turkmenistan for Barcodes takes part in the exhibition of the country's shopping complex

The stand of the National Barcode Organization of Turkmenistan, GS1 Turkmenistan, will be deployed at the exhibition site of the country's trade complex, which opened today at the Expo Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The profile review demonstrates the successes achieved and prospects in increasing the volume of production of domestic goods and expanding the service sector. More than 200 structures became its exhibitors. These include state and private trading enterprises, textile and carpet industries, etc.

The National Organization of Turkmenistan for Barcodes (NOTBC), which celebrated 10 years since its formation in March of this year, presented its capabilities in promoting the products of Turkmen producers to world markets and expanding the geography of foreign trade.

The video being shown tells about the multifaceted activities of the Organization, the benefits of bar coding of goods and services, and the work of the “Made in Turkmenistan” website.

An idea of the activities of NOTSHK in the field of implementation of advanced digital technologies can also be obtained from the information materials provided at the stand.